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MAKInterface (Modulares Allgemeines Kommunikations Interface)
Digital Laboratory by Goran Vlaski
On this page you will find the toys, kids are playing with these days. (bit outdated)
PhotoCentriC StampMaking Kit (wer mal eben schnell ein "Dienstsiegel" braucht ;-)
Tableau TACC1441
Tableau TACC1441 Hardware Accelerator - Product Brief (BKA Hardware).
Tableau TMSS-IIO1
Tableau TMSS-IIO1 Integrated Storage Module User's Guide. Portable Forensic Storage. The first member of the Tableau MSS storage family, the TMSS-IIO1, is an integrated storage system which combines a four-drive RAID-5 array, RAID electronics and fans in a single enclosure. (BKA Hardware).
BPA™ 500
Professioneller BT Sniffer. Bluetooth Sniffer: BPA™ 500 Dual Mode Bluetooth® Protocol AnalyzerData Sheet. [1]
IMSI Catcher: Rohde & Schwarz GC128 GSM Communication Unit - Data sheet English (PD 0758.2402.32) (Mit Firmware Patch Lieblinsspielzeug deutscher Ermittler ;-)
Verweise auf k3wL3 NFOs